Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Where to begin?


I have been blessed to study portions of God's Word under the direction of my friend Joel. He has such a heart for God, for God's children, the lost and in need. Today we looked at the passage from 1 Samuel when David goes to fight Goliath.

A quick background: The Philistines were at war with God's people. The giant, Goliath, was taunting King Saul to send out his best warrior. King Saul didn't know what to do. But the child, David, stepped up and said, I will do it. King Saul said, "No way! You're just a child!" But read David's response:

But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it." 1 Samuel 17:34-35

David killed a lion and and a bear! But before that, he probably killed a wolf. Before that, a fox. Before that, a snake. Before that, a scorpion. Before that, ants.

God had been preparing David for that moment.

Today we went to the HIV/AIDS orphanage. I wasn't sure if I was ready to step into a place like this but God knew I was.

What a place! What beauty, tranquility and spirit this place had. The children were all in school while we were there but we were invited to go into the preschool classroom to give hugs and kisses to the children. It is a private school for the HIV/AIDS children, but other children from the community attend there as well.

We were able to go into the baby house to see and touch the children, but not pick them up. Not because it wasn't safe, but because when we would put them down and leave they would cry. They showed us all the medicine. It costs $500 a month (US) for each child to receive their medicine. There are about 60 kids at the orphanage. Most of the meds are donated.

We toured the entire place and spoke with one of the nuns that was the "mother" of the two year olds. Sister Rosalina. I hugged her and thanked her for her service to God. It is evident that she loved the children and her heart blessed God. Our God has been preparing her for this moment all of her life.

I think my heart is sad for those children with this terminal disease. But in the 7 years it has been opened it has only lost 6 children. My heart is thankful for the incredible sacrifice of servants who work there on a daily basis, without rest or days off.

After we left there, we drove the hour back to the city and stopped at the World's Best McDonalds! Yes, Guatemala was voted as having the best in the world. They open the doors for you. They clean your tables for you. The food was much better than ours. My husband always wonders at the commercials on TV, who really goes to McDonalds and sits around laughing and having a good time in a clean place like that? Well, people in Guatemala do! It looked just like the commercial! And then - McCafe! No not just coffee behind the counter folks, they have a separate McCafe in the McDonalds with couches and a coffee house feel. And the dessert counter! Cheesecake, gourmet cookies, tiramisu, marble pound cake! Fabulous. Then we went to Walmart. It was Walmart.

We then headed home and made corner monster bookmarks with the kids and handed out the clothes, pajamas & shoes that we had brought for each of them. And then, we handed out the pillowcase dresses to the girls. And then, we headed to the baby house to feed them - and all those girls were wearing their dresses! It was so cute! We also have been handing out he special mother gifts, silver spoon bracelets (thank you Mary Padilla!). And then, we headed back to our house and Jack came up and I helped him make thank you cards for all the gifts he received.

It was a busy day.

But I keep coming back to this morning. Preparation. Doing what we are meant to do.

You know, God doesn't call the qualified - He qualifies the called.

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty..." 1 Samuel 17:45

David faced his giant with confidence.

Whatever my giants are I can go against them with confidence that God will qualify me. I pray that you will know that with all your heart as well. He is preparing you for this moment and He will not allow you to go in empty handed.

David had 5 stones. What has God given you?

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