Today we spend the morning at the Ghetto Dump. For those of you who don't know what the dump in Guatemala is all about, please see my post from 2011 about the dump. It will explain everything. It is called "The City Dump."
The Ghetto Dump is a shanty town. People invaded the ground five years ago and just started building shacks. They are working with the government to give them the land. It is a very poor place. The people in Ghetto Dump are "cleaners." They are not the people who work directly in the dump, they buy the garbage that has been scavenged and then clean it. In reality, these people are the "recycling center" for Guatemala City.
The ghetto is dirty (the people work in garbage all day) and run down (even though it is new). The first thing I noticed were the flies and smell of raw sewage.
We delivered three pilas today. These are large, concrete sinks. When Joel starting asking people in the ghetto what they needed, this was the first thing they really said. A pila. This thing is a gift because it gives them a way to "clean" the stuff they are getting from the dump. These sinks weigh 500 pounds.
We also went into a special area of the ghetto to hand out socks and underwear (thank you to all of the LWML ladies who donated these items!), pillowcase dresses (thank you Lillian Pierce, Gloria Casey & LWML societies!), shorts (again, thanks Lillian!), clothes, Scentsy packs (thanks Mary!), The Angel With Big Feet books, crayons and soaps. The lady in charge set off a loud alarm and people just came and lined up. They came in one by one and picked out one or two things. It seemed like a never ending line.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5
Meek, in greek, is translated humble. These people who live and work in such poverty, more than many of us can even imagine, blessed us. They verbally blessed us. All we wanted to do was give them a little something that can help, share the Word and put it into action...but they blessed us. They put their hands on us and breathed blessings over us. It was more than I can bear.
We were given a tour of the ghetto, invited into homes to see new concrete floors, which are the second blessing for these people. To get them off the dirt is so important because it is cleaner (obviously), cooler and healthier. It helps keep the rats, cockroaches and lice at bay.
Then we went to a different world...
We went back to our orphanage to pick up the four older kids to take them shopping for new shoes. We headed to the Oakland Mall! At Payless we found shoes for everyone and then we treated them to Starbucks!
After the mall, we came back to make dinner for the children of the orphanage. Nayeli Lux helped us prepare the all American meal - chili dogs, chips, carrots sticks and Coca-Cola! Also, brownie sundaes with carmel sauce! It was a success! The kids loved it! And let me also say, we are the first team to ever make dinner for the children! These mama's are proud!
Jesus' words to on the mount really strike me today.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus had compassion on the people who were following Him and shared this message with them. Life is hard, but I am better. God desires us to be humble, merciful, pure, seek righteousness, to be peacemakers. He knows who is struggling with sadness, who is persecuted. He knows. He knows we are not perfect and can't do this all perfectly. But He has! He has done this already for us to set us an example. And when we fail, it is because of the blood that He shed that we can be made right. It is because of His grace and mercy that we can continue.
Friends, blessed are you because you have Him!
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