Today we went to the National Orphanage. Last time I wrote about this place it was the worst place I had ever been. It smelled, it was dirty, lice could be seen crawling in the hair of the kids, there were open was just bad. But this time, under a new director, it was better. Not fabulous, but bearable.
Our time with the special needs kids was so much fun. We didn't really need to color with them, all we needed to do was hug them, love on them and bring out the camera. Once that camera was out, that was it! They all just wanted their pictures taken. One sweet guy liked to move his eyebrows up and down...and he was proud of that! But, when Linda showed him how she could wiggle her ears, I thought he was going to fall on the floor laughing! Oh my gosh, he was so ticked by her "gift."
After they left the recreation room, we set up for the teen mom's to come in. We had prepared a special journal craft for them to do (thank you Mary!) and set out baby clothes (thank you Alaina and Hope!). The craft was incredible. The girls stood in line and picked out clothes for their babies. What was so hard though, was just seeing these kids with babies. The youngest was 12 and had a one month old baby (see picture below). I know this happens everywhere but that shouldn't make it easier to see and experience.
The woman who stayed in that recreation room and taught the special needs kids and worked with the teen mothers shared with us that she wanted to share Jesus with them. Wanted them to know that there was Someone holding on to them. That there was a God who cared so deeply for them.
The story of Esther goes like this: Xerses, who was king, was a terrible and crazy man. After he dismissed his wife Vashti, he sent out a decree to all of the kingdom that he needed a new wife. He called for young women to come and present themselves to him so he could choose. The women came and after extensive beauty treatments they were called to his chamber. After he had his way with a woman he could choose to keep her and send her to another part of his palace to probably never be seen by him again. But Esther was different, the king didn't send her away. Meanwhile, his right hand man, Haman, hated Jews and planned on tricking the king to issue a decree to have the Jews slaughtered. Esther's uncle came to her and told her she had to fight for her people. He told her, "...and what if you have been brought here for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14)
There is no way that I can even try to understand poverty, abuse, children having children. What I know is that we live in a fallen world. It is full of sin and hate and bad things. What I know is that God is not sinful and it breaks His heart when His children hurt. What I know is that God can bring healing to the broken because He was broken on our behalf to redeem us from that pit. What I know is that even though this world is evil, God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good.
I can say to those kids that they are there for such a time as this. That God had brought them to that place for a reason. And more than that, that God created them with a purpose.
Bad things happen, that is the consequence of sin (and sometimes that consequence reaches us in a ripple effect) but God is bigger. His love covers a multitude of sins...mine included. That is grace and mercy.
A few other blessings from this day: we played with the kids. We fed the babies. My mom received a "bravo" and clapping from the toddlers when she sang the ABC's with Dora the Explorer. Linda and I put all the two year olds in their pajamas (footy PJ's backwards so they can't escape). My mom rocked the babies. Jack turned 6. We watched him open presents for the first time in his life...and like every other kids he counted them as he put them away (22, which includes the cardboard package inserts.)
Tomorrow we will go to the HIV/AIDS orphanage and meet with some nuns. Do crafts with our kids and hand out all the new outfits we have brought for them.
Continue to pray for us.
And remember, you may be where you are for such as time as this.
Bless God friends.
This brings me tears of joy and sadness... .many prayers to you three and all that you see :)