My girls were flying down the tubing hill this weekend at Camp Perkins. Actually, so was Riley. And I was too. I just couldn't help myself. But after awhile, I got tired of walking up that big hill so I just sat down and took it all in. My kids. My amazing husband. The snow. The mountains. The beauty. The silence.
On our long drive home today I could not get over what peace I felt at that moment, sitting on the hill. The wind was blowing, the snow was cold, my girls were screaming and laughing their way down, but still there was such a peace...such a quietness.
God says, "...though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow..." Isaiah 1:18. That blanket of white covers my multitude of sin and even though a storm may rage around me, I can find peace and quiet in the midst of it. I saw that, with my own eyes, this weekend and it was incredible.
Now as I sit here, just having finished up my Bible study notes for High School Bible study tonight an old (not super old)song comes to mind. "Sweet Jesus, wash over me. Would you come and sweep me off of my feet, please. It's been far too long since I sang Your song and I was hoping that you might like to meet me. I heard You hear the broken hearted, even those who have been discarded. Oh, how I need You, I need to hear You say. Don't worry now, don't worry how, everything just seems to all work out. Would you sing me now to sleep?"
Too often I take myself away from Jesus, because I don't have a pressing matter. There is no drama right now. And all of a sudden I realize it has been far too long. I miss the peace and quiet that His everyday Presence can bring to me. And removing myself from Him actually gives Satan a foothold to remind me how discarded I have been. This is not a good place for me.
I am covered by the blood of my Savior. I have been given a peace that passes all understanding. I want, no need, to live in that everyday.
Sweet Jesus, won't you sing me now to sleep?
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