Sunday, March 13, 2011

Four Things to Remember

The Israelites were in a pickle. They had just been passed over by the angel of death and they were on their way out Egypt. Hurry. Before Pharaoh changes his mind...again.

And they leave. And they walk. And they come to a body of water. What now? They call out to Moses, "Did you bring us out here to die?" Because, see, when they looked back...the army was advancing.

The time seems ripe for a miracle.

Moses tells the people, "Don't be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Exodus 14:13-14)

Four things to think about:
1. Don't fear.
2. Stand firm.
3. See.
4. Be still.

As the army approached with the order to kill...they were not to fear. God was in control. At some point, don't we just need to learn to trust His hands? There is army after army that comes after us...set to destroy us. Yet God, is in control. As Paul writes to the Romans, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom. 8:31) And then a little later, "...nothing can separate us from the love of God..." (Rom. 8:37-39).

Stand firm. Station yourself. Do not move. They cannot hurt you. Show them that you will no longer cower and bow down to them. Stand in the strength that God Himself gives to you.

Look around you. How far has God already brought you? I look at where I am and I must confess that I am blessed beyond description. Though times get tough, I am still held. Though life hurts, my hope is secure. My faith rests in Jesus and I know what the end result will be. God has brought me farther than I deserve and my journey is not yet over. What about you? What do you see when you look around?

Be still. Literally, from the Hebrew, scratch, engrave, hold peace. With that "...peace that passes all understanding..." (Phil. 4:7) you are scratching into the memory of those who are trying to pull you away that you cannot be moved because God is faithful and true. And I trust that God will also engrave it into my (and your) memory as well.

This week...with whatever comes up...I pray that you can hold onto this.

I pray that your fear will be stilled, that you will be able to stand firm, take inventory of what you already have and that it will be committed to your memory.

Trust God. As hard as it is sometimes. Let it go to Him.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I had the privilege to go to Leavenworth, WA for a conference this last week. I was able to spend time listening and learning from a great teacher. But I was even more blessed to be able to meet with other DCE's from the Northwest District and be encouraged (and hopefully encourage them) and held up in prayer.

I have become very aware this last week what I have been missing. I have been in the NW District for almost 11 years and this was my first DCE conference. I have most certainly missed out on the fellowship and growth that I experienced this week.

We need each other. God created us as relational people who have a great desire to be with do life with those around us.

We often miss out on this incredible gift because we think we need to go at it alone, or that no one else knows what we are going through, or that we aren't good enough. Too often we see church as too messed up so why would we want to be there?

So I am asking the question: Why not be there? Church can be messed up...but it is because it is made up of people like me. I most certainly am not perfect so please don't expect me to be when I walk through those doors. What I need and what I offer is to be there for the people who I worship with and serve with. When you need a meal...I am here. When you need to cry in sorrow or laugh in celebration...I am here. Do you need someone to pray for you or with you? What about accountability? What about when life sucks and you just aren't sure if you can make it through the night? Guess what? Me too. And everyone else that is sitting in the pews singing "Amazing Grace."

The writer of Hebrews says, "Don't give up meeting together...encourage one another." (10:25)

At what point did we decide that we needed to go this life alone? When did the church members have to become perfect?

Everyone sitting in church is singing the same thing, "...who saved a wretch like me..."

God is not expecting perfection. He took care that in Jesus.

Love. Forgive. Experience. Hope. Heal.