A couple of months ago I was cleaning my office. For those of you who know how my office has been in the past, shocker, I know. And I must confess, I don't think my call or my worth should be based on my office, I work in piles. Deal with it. Ok, with that said...grace...
Anyway, while I was cleaning my office I went through a box that I inherited after my Grandpa Fisher died. There wasn't much in it: spices (how old?), a Lutheran Hour booklet, a cookbook and a Bible study that my Grandma had done. This last discovery brought tears to my eyes. My Grandma was not in good health at the end of her life, and she left this world for her eternal home in July 2004. This Bible study was done in late 2000 (she dated it) and she wrote in it. Not a lot, it was so hard for her to write, but I am able to read some of her notes and how she penned her faith.
I have been working on this Bible study now for the last three weeks. It is not the deepest Bible study I have ever done, but my Grandma left me messages of grace, and that makes it one of the most special Bible studies that I have sat through in my quiet time.
Grace. Abundant. Simple. Sincere. Free. Open. Love. Forever.
"You have been set free from sin..." Romans 6:18
That's it. See?
Forever. Love. Open. Free. Sincere. Simple. Abundant. Grace. Yours. Mine.